Expanded list of responses to leaders, pundits, and other media

PREFACE: This list expands on the selection at Critical responses to leaders and pundits. The first grouping is leaders, the second grouping is pundits, and the third grouping is other media, a catch-all. The list is in reverse chronological order.

  • Critical notes on the UK Iraq Inquiry Chilcot report
  • Comments on Joe Lieberman's "20 years on, it’s clear our collective memory of the Iraq War is simply wrong"
  • Clarification of the Iraq issue in Congressional Research Service report "Declarations of War and Authorizations for the Use of Military Force: Historical Background and Legal Implications" (Jennifer Elsea, Matthew Weed)
  • Critical response to The U.S. Army in the Iraq War study (2019)
  • Criticism of Prime Minister Blair's response to the Chilcot report
  • Criticisms and suggestions for "International Law and the War in Iraq" (John Yoo, 2003)
  • Rebuttal of Prime Minister Brown's memoir argument against Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Decision Points suggests President Bush has not read key fact findings on Iraq carefully
  • Rebuke of and advice to Charles Duelfer
  • Comments critical of presidential candidates Trump, Clinton, and McMullin's positions on OIF
  • Regarding Secretary of State Powell's speech at the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003
  • Recommendation to Hillary Clinton on how to talk about her Iraq vote
  • How Republicans should talk about the Iraq issue
  • Closer reading of Nobel speech: Obama redefined "just war" and justified Iraq intervention
  • Senator Kerry insults the American soldier.

  • VPOTUS candidate Tim Walz needs to be held to account for opposing the Iraq "surge" (Quin Hillyer)
  • Review of the American Enterprise Institute's "The Iraq War Series 20 Years Later"
  • Correction of Richard Haass's "Revisiting America’s War of Choice in Iraq"
  • Review of Washington Examiner symposium "What is the most important lesson of the Iraq War?"
  • Critique of Tara Copp and Lolita Baldor's "Why US troops remain in Iraq 20 years after ‘shock and awe’"
  • 20th anniversary of OIF is an opportunity to set the record straight (Joe Lieberman, Mark Wright)
  • Clarification of the Iraq issue in Jeffrey Meiser's "Introducing Liberalism in International Relations Theory"
  • Reaction to Douglas Feith's Wikipedia profile regarding Iraq
  • Graham Allison and Amos Yadlin are misleading and offensive to equate Ukraine and US to Saddamists and Putin
  • Critique of the Iraq-related portions of Miller Center's revised "George W. Bush: Foreign Affairs" (Sheila Blackford)
  • In praise of Helen Fein and Milton Leitenberg for Institute for the Study of Genocide Newsletter #28, Spring 2002
  • Critique of Matt Latimer's "The Don Rumsfeld the Obituaries Won’t Write About"
  • Comment on Samuel Helfont's "The Gulf War’s Afterlife: Dilemmas, Missed Opportunities, and the Post-Cold War Order Undone"
  • Comment on Brian Dunn's "What Shall Phase IX in Iraq Look Like?"
  • Regarding Germany's opposition to the US on Iraq in Matthew Karnitschnig's "The end of the German-American affair"
  • Review of Hal Brands and Peter Feaver's "Lessons from the Iraq War"
  • Maseh Zarif and James Zumwalt: Here's how to begin "a difficult but necessary debate" versus the 'Forever war' slogans
  • Clarification of the Iraq issue in Chin-Kuei Tsui's "Framing the Threat of Rogue States: Iraq, Iran and President Clinton’s Dual-Containment Approach to Middle East Peace"
  • Clarification of OIF's justification contra The Conservative Sensibility of George F. Will
  • For David French, recommendations regarding "In Defense of the Iraq War"
  • Critical responses to James Fallows, Allan Lichtman, Philip Bobbitt, and Steven A. Cook
  • Criticism and suggestions regarding the "Iraq Syndrome" in Cathy Young's "Confessions of a Libertarian Neocon"
  • Critique of Christopher Hitchens's answer to Jon Stewart
  • Correcting the Iraq section of Miller Center's "George W. Bush: Foreign Affairs" (Gary Gregg)
  • Responses to substantive criticisms from The Strategy Bridge editors (Rebuke of Jordan Chandler Hirsch's "Freedom from Iraq: How the GOP Can End the War over the War")
  • Critique of the Iraq portion of chapter one of Anne Pierce's A Perilous Path
  • Critical response to John Rentoul's "Chilcot Report: Politicians"
  • Objection to Paul Miller's characterization of OIF as an "outlier" in American Power and Liberal Order
  • Augmenting William Inboden's critique of J.E. Smith's Bush biography regarding Iraq
  • Comments on Stephen Knott's "When Everyone Agreed About Iraq"
  • Explaining the grounds for Operation Iraqi Freedom to a law professor (Chibli Mallat)
  • Correcting Politifact's fundamental distortion of the Gulf War ceasefire enforcement
  • Correcting Mario Loyola: UNSCR 1441 did place the burden of proof on Iraq
  • Regarding pundits and David Brooks's "Saving the System"

  • Miscellaneous tweets
  • New Cheney biopic Vice is a gift opportunity to clarify the Iraq issue for the public
  • Moral dilemma, Lone Survivor, Torture Report
  • Psy the Useful Idiot
  • Green Zone – upsetting movie
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